
Your instructor and fellow students wish to foster a safe online learning environment. 所有的意见和经验, no matter how different or controversial they may be perceived, must be respected to allow for the exchange of ideas and information. You are encouraged to comment, 问题, or critique an idea but you are never to attack an individual. 我们之间的分歧, some of which are outlined in the college's nondiscrimination statement, will add richness to this learning experience. Working as a community of learners, we can build a polite and respectful course environment.

A goal of these guidelines is to help students develop 专业 communication and interaction skills. 
When communicating online, you should:

  • Treat the instructor and fellow students with respect, even in an email or in any other online communication.  保持 专业 和老师和同学一起.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Remember that all college level communication should have correct spelling and aim for good grammar.
  • Avoid slang terms and texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you.”
  • Avoid typing in caps AS IT CAN BE INTERPRETED AS YELLING.
  • Avoid the use of emoticons/(emojis)/gifs.
  • Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm, as tone is sometimes lost in an email or discussion post and your message might be taken seriously or offensively.
  • Be tolerant, civil and respectful. Commit to a learning environment in which diverse viewpoints can be expressed freely. Members of this class will aim to treat each other with tolerance, 礼貌, 在任何时候都要尊重.
  • Not assume everyone understands where you’re coming from. Diversity is an asset and we learn a great deal from each other when we acknowledge that we have diverse backgrounds, 文化, 年龄, 等. 
  • Not post or share personal information (either yours or others) in public forums.  Examples include phone numbers, addresses, grades, 等.
  • Be mindful that personal information shared in class should not be shared outside of class.  This includes instructor lectures, recordings, and other student’s work.
  • Remember that online courses allow for people to be available at different times.  Please allow 48 hours for instructors or fellow students to respond to your emails or discussion boards.